Rules of Five Crowns: A Lead to Win the Game

Five Crown is one of the best and most engaging card games, which is a variant of rummy (another popular card game). You can play this game with two decks of cards; each deck consists of 58 cards.  The objective of the game is to score the lowest number of points at the end of the game. It combines elements of rummy with a unique deck of five suites, which includes spades, clubs, hearts, diamonds, and stars, with rotating wild cards. Below in the article is a complete detail on the rules of Five Crowns to play the game professionally and win the game on perfect terms.

It’s a fast-paced, award-winning, and exciting card game that is designed for 3–7 players and is easy to learn but difficult to master. We have also discussed the Five Crown score sheets. You can also read about and download the printable template.

rules of five crowns

Objectives of the Game

The primary objective of the game along with the rules of Five Crowns, is to score the lowest number of points by forming sets and runs of cards in your hand. Players aim to play all their cards as quickly as possible to minimize their point total.

Components of Game: Five Crowns Rules and Scoring

You can play this game with 2 decks of cards; each deck consists of 58 cards. Each suit has 11 cards, which start from 3 to 13, which include (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King). Every suit has 11 cards with 3 jokers in it 11* 5 = 55 + 3 = 58. So one deck consists of 58 cards, and as discussed, 2 decks are required to play this game, which is 116.

To track the points of every round, you can also use the score sheet for Five Crown. This sheet of paper will help you to write the scores of every player in each round so that you can minimize the error and no one raises the question about it. You can download the Printable Five Crown Score sheet from

Gameplay and Rules of Five Crown

Here are the Rules of Five Crowns card game:

Game Setup

  1. Number of players: 2–7 players according to the rules of five crowns.
  2. Components: two standard decks of cards (52 cards each), four Jokers, and a game board (optional).
  3. Dealing:
    • In the first round, deal 3 cards to each player.
    • In every next round, increase the number of cards by 1, till 11 round where must be 13 cards, which will be the last round
    • To create the draw pile, arrange the remaining cards face down in the middle of the table.
    • Flip the top card of the draw pile to start the discard pile.
rounds of fivr crowns

Turns for Everyone

  1. On your turn, you must do one of the following:
    • Play cards: You can play either sets or runs.
      1. Sets: Three or more cards of the same rank (e.g., three 7s).
      2. Runs: Three or more consecutive cards of the same suit (e.g., 5, 6, 7 of hearts).
      3. Single cards: You can play a single card on an existing set or run on the table.
    • Draw a card: If you can’t play any cards, you must draw a card from the draw pile.
  2. Discard: After playing cards, discard one card from your hand face up on the discard pile.
  3. Wild cards: Two cards are designated as “wild cards” each round. These can be used with any other card to complete sets or runs.
    • The wild cards change at the beginning of each round.
  4. Books: Four of a kind constitute a book. When a player plays a book, they can remove two cards from the book and score the remaining two cards.
  5. Going out: A player “goes out” by playing all their cards before the draw pile is depleted. This player scored 0 points in that round.

Ending the Hand and Scoring

  1. A hand ends when one player goes out or the draw pile is depleted.
  2. Players score the points on the cards remaining in their hand.
  3. Card values:
    • Number cards: Face value
    • Jacks: 11 points
    • Queens: 12 points
    • Kings: 13 points
    • Jokers: 50 points
    • Wild cards (played as other cards): Face value of the card they represent
    • Wild cards (not played): 20 points

Winning the Game

  • After a predetermined number of rounds (usually 11), the player with the lowest total score wins the game.

Other Rules of Five Crowns

  • Jokers cannot be used to start sets or runs as per rules of five crowns.
  • Players cannot play cards on other players’ sets or runs.
  • If a player cannot play a card and the draw pile is empty, they must discard one card from their hand.

Customized Rules

  • House rules of five crowns: Players can create their own house rules of Five Crowns to modify gameplay.
  • Time limit: A time limit can be set for each player’s turn.

Gameplay for Ease of Five Crowns Beginners

  • In the beginning of the Five Crown Card Game, the player to the left of the dealer goes first.  On your turn, you can draw a card from the top of the draw pile or the discard pile.  After drawing, you must discard one card face-up in the discard pile.
  • Now you have to make a sequence or meld of cards, like sets and runs. A set requires three or more cards of the same rank (e.g., three 7s of different suits), while a run can be three or more consecutive cards in the same suit (e.g., 4, 5, 6 of hearts).
  • Making a set and running the wild card will be a positive point for you. In each round, a different suit is designated as wild.(For Exp In round 3, the wild card will be 3. In round 6, the wild card will be 6. You can change the wild card to the required or most suitable card for you to make the minimum point, and you can write the point on the Five Crown Score Sheet.
  • You should rearrange the cards in your hand to make a set of runs, keep picking the cards from the deck or discarding them, and discard one non-relevant card from your hand. Until you make a meld of your cards,
  • The first player to form valid sets and run with all of their cards goes out, ending the round.  and then every player will count and write their score on score sheets.
five crowns rules and scoring

There will be 11 rounds following the rules of five crowns, and at the end of every round, all players will write their score on five crown score sheets. At the end of the 11th round, all the scores will be counted, and the player with the lowest score will win the game. Keep in mind that if you make a valid run or set (e.g., there are Ks or 3,4,5 of the suits), your score will be zero.

What is the Five Crown Score Sheet?

Five Crown score sheets are used in Five Crowns to write off each player’s points across multiple rounds. As we know, there are 11 rounds and 3–7 players. You have to write the scores of every player in every round, and it is very difficult to memorize every round’s score until the 11th round. That is why the score sheet and rules of Five Crowns plays an important role in it.

These sheets provide a simple way to record and tally the scores at the end of each round. This sheet will make the player’s work easy because it contains all the formats and gives you confusion-free results. Download the printable form of the Five Crown score sheet from below.

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